Tunbridge Wells Alliance Party wants votes in May 2nd Election

    Martin Webber has been speaking to Nick Pope of the Tunbridge Wells Alliance Party, which originally gained support by opposing the planned £100 million debt that an earlier Conservative council wanted to take on to build a new Tunbridge Wells theatre.

    Martin Webber has been speaking to Nick Pope of the Tunbridge Wells Alliance Party, which originally gained support by opposing the planned £ 100 million debt that an earlier Conservative council wanted to take on to build a new Tunbridge Wells theatre.  Nick Pope says being part of the Liberal Democrat-led coalition for the past two years has enabled the Alliance to "be in the room" when decisions were made and make the party's arguments.  But Nick Pope says the coalition "has been uncomfortable for us at times" and he couldn't say whether the party would go into a similar partnership again.  Nick Pope is pleased the council's finances have been stabilised while introducing a £100,000 community fund to help those most in need in Tunbridge Wells.

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